So I've been really REALLY busy lately preparing for 5.0.4 and MoP. First off, I've been accepted as a trial in
Team Malice.
It's really exciting to play with some of the best players in this game!
The only down side is I had to deal with the migrating of my auction empire, my stockpile, and everything else. I already had a lot on my plate preparing for glyphmas 2012...
Anyways, I still made due (and quite nicely I might add).
Preparation for operation "Glyphpocalypse":
1. Three accounts—2 characters each, with full scribe bags parked at the Auction House.
2. 60 of each glyph that was datamined to convert (20 of those moved to alliance side).
3. 3 different mailbox addons (just in case one-two didn't get updated).
4. All TSM settings backed up.
When servers
finally went live I descended into the madness, posting with tsm through all the LUA errors and lag. I did this all while settings up my main account's addons and practicing new rotations on the target dummies. I'm sure I could have pulled in more gold if I wasn't as preoccupied, or if my server weren't plagued with glyph bots.
At the end of the first day I closed shop up 165k from glyphs alone.
How did you do?!