We shall play you the song of our people. |
Taken from Wowhead news:
"Rare spawns are getting some huge changes in Mists of Pandaria--they'll drop unique vanity items likeThese vanity items aren't just cosmetic, though. A lot of them have very specific utility, especially for those with gathering professions!Ai-Li's Skymirror and
Mr. Smite's Brass Compass! These items range from vanity pets to trinkets that summon kidnapped puppies. After Cata's rares mostly dropped generic quest-level armor, we're thrilled to see a return to quirky flavor details in Mists. We farmed up as many items as we could yesterday in between covering the latest beta patch."
First up is the Forager's Gloves:
Equip: Allows faster gathering of resources in Pandaria (Requires level 85). I think the utility here is pretty obvious. Now the Druids of the Alliance can compete with those damn Tauren! Lore did a little research and it looks like that right now they just affect the speed of gathering the new MoP herbs and mining nodes by a flat 1.5seconds. Tauren druids don't seem to double dip from their racial (suck it).
Your tears will never be enough to make up for all of those Whiptail nodes lost in Uldum. |
Use: Blast a blaring horn, attracting enemies within 40 yards. (2 Min Cooldown). I'd have to say that coupled with AoE looting, this might be the best thing I've ever heard of for my Tailor and Skinner. With only 2mins of cooldown, I can seriously see this overtaking my Loot-A-Rang as my favorite on use item.And for those on PvP realms, the Hardened Shell:
Use: Throw a hard shell, dismounting the target. Does not work on players above level 94. (15 Min Cooldown). It might be a long cooldown, but you finally have a way to get back at that jerk who stole your node and is flying off. Get him while he's flying above lava for extra revenge points! Just don't forget to bring a parachute just in case when this item goes live it dismounts you as well.
Seems oddly familiar... |
These are just the ones that stood out to me, I urge you to go check out all the other's as well, here. There's so many awesome items!